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Posts Tagged ‘estate planning’

Protecting your Family’s Wealth

June 14th, 2024

Protecting your Family’s Wealth... We all care deeply about the health and prosperity of our family. Beyond material wealth, a thriving family is built on the pillars of physical well-being, strong relationships, and shared values. Ensuring future generations enjoy these benefits involves careful planning and the implementation of robust financial strategies. Understanding asset protection Whereread more

What is a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)?

March 21st, 2024

A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) offers Australians a unique way to save for retirement, in a landscape typically dominated by what are known as “retail funds”. Unlike those traditional super funds, SMSFs offer the ability for up to six members to have direct control over their retirement savings, with the flexibility to choose where theirread more

Aged Care Financial Advice (Part Two – Entering Residential Aged Care)

December 4th, 2023

Whether for yourself or a loved one, making the decision to enter residential aged care is a significant step in life. The residential aged care system can be complex to navigate, and doing so without proper advice and planning makes it all the more difficult. In part one of this Aged Care Financial Advice series,read more

Aged Care Financial Advice (Part One – The Value of Advice)

November 17th, 2023

If you’re getting older and your care needs are changing,  it can be a stressful time for family and friends to help us access the support we need. On the other hand, you might be helping a parent or other elderly relative navigate the process of entering residential aged care and don’t know how toread more

Is it Time for a Personal Insurance Review?

September 6th, 2023

When was the last time you conducted a personal insurance review? If you can’t remember, or never have, it’s been too long! Over the past few years of ups and downs – COVID, inflationary and cost of living pressures, global conflict, and more – people have naturally started thinking quite seriously about what they wouldread more

How Much Income do I Need to Retire?

July 5th, 2023

Many Australians have a clear picture of the lifestyle they want to enjoy when they retire, but perhaps less is understood about the level of income required to achieve it. Whether you envision buying a brand-new caravan to set off around the country, construct a workshop out the back of your home to focus onread more

Family Office – Growing & Protecting Significant Wealth

May 31st, 2023

In our article and newsletter content here at McKinley Plowman, we often touch on the importance of managing one’s finances effectively. This typically involves getting the basics right – setting a budget, making well-informed financial decisions, engaging with an adviser, and so on. While these are relevant for just about everyone, there are additional layersread more

Securing the Next Generation’s Financial Future

April 21st, 2023

You’ve worked hard, made smart financial decisions, and are living comfortably on the wealth you’ve accumulated – but what about the next generation? For many of us, a primary motivator behind growing and securing wealth is looking after our family, so that even after we’re gone, they have a secure financial future to look forwardread more

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