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Posts Tagged ‘estate planning’

Action Items to Navigate a Tough Economy

September 9th, 2022

There is a lot going on at the moment that is contributing to increased pressure and stress on household budgets and businesses alike. With rising inflation prompting several interest rate rises and increased cost of living pressures, many Australians are looking for practical, actionable ways to improve their situation. Here we have some action itemsread more

Preparing for Retirement – Financially and Beyond

March 25th, 2022

As we get a little older and start preparing for retirement - the exact picture we have in our head about what retirement looks like will differ from person to person. It might be travelling the world, spending time volunteering, or pursuing projects that are too time-consuming to tackle while you’re working. Regardless of howread more

In The Media – Ian Gath’s Interview with Jenny Seaton

August 22nd, 2018

Recently, McKinley Plowman's Head of Superannuation and Audit Ian Gath made another appearance in the media, this time having a chat with Jenny Seaton on Curtin FM's "Afternoons" show. In the interview he discusses the importance of drafting a comprehensive will, estate planning and other asset protection issues in situations of re-marriage (particularly after retirement).read more

Interdependent Relationships in Estate Planning

July 31st, 2018

Protecting family estates from hefty tax bills can be challenging, however there are little known concessions that can save beneficiaries tens of thousands of dollars in liability. Many people make the mistake of not fully accounting for the relationship between superannuation and estate planning when drafting their wills. Estates with large payments from a superannuationread more

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