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Posts Tagged ‘finance’

WA Property Market Update December 2022

December 23rd, 2022

The end of the year is upon us! And with that, we wave goodbye to a year full of challenges, optimism, opportunities, and everything in between. In the property market, we’ve seen the market turn from strong value growth to a noticeable cooling off – prompted largely by consecutive interest rate rises courtesy of theread more

Combatting Rising Retirement Costs

September 23rd, 2022

Throughout 2022, much has been made of the impact of growing inflation, rising interest rates, and cost of living pressures on businesses and families – but perhaps less attention has been given to retirement costs. Single retirees in particular have felt the strain, but no matter the living situation, the average Aussie retiree is nowread more

WA Property Market Update September 2022

September 14th, 2022

The more things change, the more they stay the same. We’re kicking off the September 2022 edition of our WA property market update with another nod to rising interest rates. The RBA predictably increased the cash rate again since our last update, up 0.50% to 2.35%. The full impact of this won’t be clear untilread more

Action Items to Navigate a Tough Economy

September 9th, 2022

There is a lot going on at the moment that is contributing to increased pressure and stress on household budgets and businesses alike. With rising inflation prompting several interest rate rises and increased cost of living pressures, many Australians are looking for practical, actionable ways to improve their situation. Here we have some action itemsread more

WA Property Market Update August 2022

August 26th, 2022

As predicted, the Reserve Bank Australia (RBA) has further increased the cash rate to 1.85% in August, with a view to keeping rising inflation in check. According to the RBA, inflation is set to peak later this year, before returning to its normal 2-3% pa range. But while households feel the pinch of the risingread more

WA Property Market Update July 2022

July 27th, 2022

Over the past few WA Property Market Updates, we’ve covered rising interest rates and the potential impact on the property market – and the July 2022 issue is no different. Earlier in the year, predictions concerning rate rises from the Reserve Bank (RBA) generally outlined one or two increases for the year, in an attemptread more

WA Property Market Update – June 2022

June 24th, 2022

The end of the 2021-22 Financial Year is nearly here, and once again there has been a lot of news and updates circulating around rising interest rates and its impact on property. Since our last update, the Reserve Bank raised the cash rate a further 0.5%, bringing it up to 0.85%, and many pundits areread more

Market Volatility Update – June 2022

June 16th, 2022

As you would have witnessed over the recent period, investment markets have been extremely volatile. We wanted to take the opportunity to provide you with some context and emphasise the importance of reflecting on investment fundamentals during such challenging times. In this regard, we wish to provide several important insights on prevailing macroeconomic conditions andread more

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