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Posts Tagged ‘news’

Securing the Next Generation’s Financial Future

April 21st, 2023

You’ve worked hard, made smart financial decisions, and are living comfortably on the wealth you’ve accumulated – but what about the next generation? For many of us, a primary motivator behind growing and securing wealth is looking after our family, so that even after we’re gone, they have a secure financial future to look forwardread more

Is Your Fixed Rate Loan About to Mature?

April 6th, 2023

You would have to be living under a rock to miss the news about the RBA’s cash rate increases since May 2022, where we’ve seen it lifted from 0.10% to 3.60% with lenders following suit with interest rate hikes of their own. Throughout this time, many homeowners have been shielded from these rate increases whereread more

WA Property Market Update – March 2023

March 24th, 2023

Wouldn’t you just know it – as if the lasting impact of the COVID pandemic on the economy wasn’t disruptive enough, another layer has been added. Recent events in the US banking sector have amplified prevailing uncertainty and brought about accelerated change here in Australia. As with other disruptive factors such as interest rate risesread more

Cyclone Ellie Flood Recovery Assistance Programs

March 16th, 2023

When natural disasters wreak havoc on the natural landscape, particularly where cyclones and other extreme weather events are concerned, the immediate visual impact can be striking. Buildings without roofs, flooded homes and locals kayaking down the main street are typically what we associate with the aftermath of these events. What is sometimes forgotten, though, areread more

WA Property Market Update – February 2023

February 22nd, 2023

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll be well aware of the continued rate rises from the Reserve Bank throughout 2022 and into 2023. While this is expected to happen at least a few more times over this year, many commentators suggest that it’ll subside after a few months. Once it does, we mayread more

The Importance of a Long-Term Investment Perspective

February 17th, 2023

As a member of a super fund or an investor, you may have seen some significant events in the past few years that have disrupted global markets, such as COVID-19, decade high inflation and interest rate rises. These events can make you feel uncertain about your investments and financial position. While it is understandable toread more

WA Small Business Market Outlook 2023

February 2nd, 2023

Are you thinking about selling or buying a business this year? If so, read on – there may be some great opportunities for you in the WA Small Business Market in 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic had far-reaching consequences across the business sector, starting with many businesses closing their doors permanently as a result of lockdowns,read more

WA Property Market Update December 2022

December 23rd, 2022

The end of the year is upon us! And with that, we wave goodbye to a year full of challenges, optimism, opportunities, and everything in between. In the property market, we’ve seen the market turn from strong value growth to a noticeable cooling off – prompted largely by consecutive interest rate rises courtesy of theread more

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