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Posts Tagged ‘news’

WA Property Market Update July 2021

August 20th, 2021

The second half of the calendar year is well underway, and the continuing COVID-19 pandemic is starting to cause its fair share of problems in the eastern states, with rising case numbers and strict lockdowns dominating the headlines. Thankfully, things in WA are relatively stable as things stand (touch wood), and our strong economic performanceread more

Getting Ahead of Your Next Tax Return

August 12th, 2021

The 2021-22 Financial Year is already several months old now (if you can believe that), and by now many taxpayers have their ducks in a row to lodge their tax return for 2020-21. But while that’s happening, clever business owners and salary earners are putting down the groundwork to make next years’ an absolute more

Refinancing your Home Loan in the Current Economy

June 14th, 2021

It goes without saying (though we’ll say it anyway) – savvy homeowners understand the benefits of refinancing their home loan. Unlock equity in your loan to fund a major purchase, reduce your repayments, or reduce your total loan amount to get your mortgage paid off sooner. No matter your reasons for looking into refinancing, theread more

Interdependent Relationships in Estate Planning

July 31st, 2018

Protecting family estates from hefty tax bills can be challenging, however there are little known concessions that can save beneficiaries tens of thousands of dollars in liability. Many people make the mistake of not fully accounting for the relationship between superannuation and estate planning when drafting their wills. Estates with large payments from a superannuationread more

Fresh Tax Ruling for Truckies’ Food Allowances

January 25th, 2018

Backflip for Truckies’ Food Allowances... The Australian Taxation Office has recently reversed a decision made regarding “reasonable rates” for overtime meal allowances. Rulings in this area typically affect people in jobs such as long-haul truck driving, but applies to everyone who receives a bona fide travel or meal allowance in the course of travelling overnightread more

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