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Posts Tagged ‘personal finance’

Home Loans – What can you do to maximise your chance of approval?

January 23rd, 2019

For some, applying for a home loan, car loan, credit card or other loans can be an arduous task, as well as a confusing one. Things like bad credit, poor paperwork maintenance, or a lack of employment stability can all contribute to unsuccessful finance applications – but it doesn’t have to be an uphill more

What are your financial resolutions for 2019?

December 20th, 2018

It’s early January – the festive season and New Year’s celebrations are done and dusted. Now is the time of year we’ve all fielded the age-old question: “What are your New Years’ Resolutions?” For some it may be losing weight, getting a better job, hitting a personal milestone or climbing Mt Everest; but we couldread more

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