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Posts Tagged ‘property investment’

WA Property Market Update January 2024

January 31st, 2024

As we see out January and venture further into 2024, the Western Australian property market presents a landscape of opportunity and resilience, having weathered economic fluctuations and policy changes in 2023. Last year was a testament to the market's robustness, with Perth’s property market experiencing substantial growth, where other markets struggled. Now looking ahead toread more

Gearing an Investment Property in 2024

January 10th, 2024

The virtues of ‘Positive Gearing’ versus ‘Negative Gearing’ regarding property investment can spark debate and confusion, often without those involved in the conversation having much concrete knowledge about the topic. What’s more, property investors can have unique circumstances and goals. What is important to know, though, is how to make the most of gearing –read more

WA Property Market Update December 2023 & Year in Review

December 15th, 2023

As the year 2023 draws to a close, and with a welcome announcement of no interest rate changes from the RBA in December, it's time to reflect on the dynamics of the Western Australian property market. Let’s have one last look at the WA Property Market for 2023, review the year, and look ahead toread more

WA Property Market Update November 2023

November 29th, 2023

In case you missed it – following several months of welcomed interest rate stability, the Reserve Bank (RBA) opted to increase the cash rate by a further 25 basis points in early November. Their campaign to rein in inflation continues, and this latest increase marks the 13th such upwards move in 18 months – comingread more

WA Property Market Update October 2023

October 30th, 2023

In light of recent distressing events in the Middle East, Australia, although geographically distant, braces for the inevitable economic impact, particularly a potential surge in energy prices. This global unrest emerges during a time when we had otherwise anticipated stability, particularly regarding interest rates, with speculation of potential rate cuts in 2024. However, the prevailingread more

WA Property Market Update September 2023

September 29th, 2023

As we transition out of September and into the last quarter of 2023, the Western Australian property market demonstrates a dynamic landscape for prospective buyers and investors. We’ve now seen three consecutive months of the RBA holding interest rates steady (currently at 4.10%), and with it a sense of calm and increased economic certainty. Theread more

WA Property Market Update August 2023

August 29th, 2023

In the ever-evolving Australian property market, the echoes of national macro-economic factors reverberate throughout each region, and prospective buyers, investors, and homeowners find themselves amidst a landscape marked by both challenges and opportunities. The relationship between inflation, interest rates, and supply-demand dynamics combine to shape the course of the residential and industrial property sectors more

WA Property Market Update June 2023

June 30th, 2023

The cold weather is upon us here in WA, and the property market certainly hasn’t bucked the trend by warming up. The RBA’s interest rate rises in May and June caught quite a few off-guard, especially as even many of the most conservative commentators predicted at least a minor reprieve. The knock-on impact of thisread more

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