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Posts Tagged ‘review’
Market Volatility Update – June 2022
June 16th, 2022As you would have witnessed over the recent period, investment markets have been extremely volatile. We wanted to take the opportunity to provide you with some context and emphasise the importance of reflecting on investment fundamentals during such challenging times. In this regard, we wish to provide several important insights on prevailing macroeconomic conditions andread more
Scams and Fraudulent Investment – Protecting Your Wealth
June 1st, 2022In late 2021, we released an article on our website exploring the story of a client who nearly lost $100,000 to an elaborate and sophisticated scam (click here for that story). That situation, thankfully, ended with nothing more than a near-miss and a lesson learned. However, more recently, another fraudulent investment scam has cropped up,read more
Reverse Mortgage – Your Key to a More Comfortable Retirement?
May 26th, 2022For many Australians, the motivation to work hard and accumulate wealth is to eventually transition to a comfortable retirement. Research indicates that Australian Seniors are ranked number 1 in the world in terms of per capita net worth, however 35% are living below the poverty line. In fact, that same population group are second-worst amongstread more
Is it Time for a Brand Refresh?
May 6th, 2022Throughout the journey of owning and operating a business, things change all the time. Customers come and go, demand for what your business provides can fluctuate, or more recently a global pandemic can force significant changes to how businesses operate. What tends not to change so often is a business’ brand. A brand refresh canread more
A Guide to Refinancing Your Business Loan
April 8th, 2022As we covered in our recent guide to refinancing your home loan, changing circumstances should prompt a review of your loans with a view to getting the best deal you can – and your business loan is no different. Business owners can attest to the importance of maximising cash flow, reducing overheads and boosting theread more
Preparing for Retirement – Financially and Beyond
March 25th, 2022As we get a little older and start preparing for retirement - the exact picture we have in our head about what retirement looks like will differ from person to person. It might be travelling the world, spending time volunteering, or pursuing projects that are too time-consuming to tackle while you’re working. Regardless of howread more
WA Property Market Update March 2022
March 16th, 2022Since our last WA Property Market Update in February, we’ve finally seen the State’s border open up (in early March), ending the debate and waiting game around when in 2022 that might occur. Now that the hard border has come down, it appears that the sharp rise in COVID cases has been arguably less severeread more
Re-Engaging Inactive Customers for Your Business
February 25th, 2022“It costs 5x as much to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one” – you’ve probably heard something along these lines when it comes to customer retention. While that figure varies in different industries and businesses, it does highlight the importance of giving your existing customers a great experience andread more
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