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Posts Tagged ‘review’

A Guide to Refinancing Your Business Loan

April 8th, 2022

As we covered in our recent guide to refinancing your home loan, changing circumstances should prompt a review of your loans with a view to getting the best deal you can – and your business loan is no different. Business owners can attest to the importance of maximising cash flow, reducing overheads and boosting theread more

Preparing for Retirement – Financially and Beyond

March 25th, 2022

As we get a little older and start preparing for retirement - the exact picture we have in our head about what retirement looks like will differ from person to person. It might be travelling the world, spending time volunteering, or pursuing projects that are too time-consuming to tackle while you’re working. Regardless of howread more

WA Property Market Update March 2022

March 16th, 2022

Since our last WA Property Market Update in February, we’ve finally seen the State’s border open up (in early March), ending the debate and waiting game around when in 2022 that might occur. Now that the hard border has come down, it appears that the sharp rise in COVID cases has been arguably less severeread more

Re-Engaging Inactive Customers for Your Business

February 25th, 2022

“It costs 5x as much to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one” – you’ve probably heard something along these lines when it comes to customer retention. While that figure varies in different industries and businesses, it does highlight the importance of giving your existing customers a great experience andread more

WA Property Market Update November 2021

December 21st, 2021

After a year of very different fortunes for the commercial and residential property markets in WA, our November update will look at each market and revisit the facts and figures that shaped the trends we saw throughout the year. Overall, the signs are still good for further economic growth in the New Year, although theread more

Received a Large Windfall of Cash? Here’s What to Do Next

December 10th, 2021

If you’ve been paying attention to the news in WA recently, you’ll likely have come across the story of 55 members of a lottery syndicate who scored themselves around $1.4 million each. It’s a story that has brought some welcome good news to the headlines, and especially in the leadup to Christmas we suspect itread more

Embracing Holistic Personal Future Planning

October 6th, 2021

For better or for worse, people tend to focus on their financial position and material goods when planning for their future – “I want to have $x in the bank by the time I’m 45”; “I want three investment properties on the go before I retire”; “If I’m not earning six-figures in the next fiveread more

Demystifying the Employee vs Contractor Confusion

September 3rd, 2021

Finding employment solutions for your business is a challenge - sourcing the right person, with appropriate experience, at a fair wage, isn't always easy. Furthermore, classifying your workers correctly as a contractor or employee may not always be clear when you're recruiting for a role, and is an area where many businesses have been caughtread more

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