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Posts Tagged ‘startups’

Small Business Marketing on a Budget

July 10th, 2024

The bank account is looking a bit worse for wear, time is tight, and you need to really step up your business’ marketing to generate leads and grow your business. Sound familiar? There’s a cycle that many small businesses experience as they mature and develop – marketing takes time and money; but getting the cashflowread more

2024 End of Financial Year Business Preparation

June 21st, 2024

At this time of year, we find ourselves having regular discussions with clients about best business practice for 2024 End of Financial Year preparations. This can include end of year payroll, transitioning to cloud-based software for the first time, changing software providers, or simply reviewing data file accuracy.  A proactive approach and mindset are keyread more

7 Ways to Raise Business Capital

May 31st, 2024

One of the key reasons people start their own business is to earn more money, and have greater control over it, but raising capital to invest back into your business can be far easier said than done. Capital is the lifeblood of any business, essential for both starting up and scaling operations – and acquiringread more

Succession Planning – Building Your Business Legacy

May 24th, 2024

As a hardworking business owner, you understand that success doesn’t come easily – it’s earned through hard work, dedication, and relentless effort. So, when it’s time to step back from your business, how do you know it is in a position to continue to thrive? That’s where succession planning comes in… Succession Planning – What’sread more

Five Simple Steps for a Winning Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

April 3rd, 2024

In today's competitive market, distinguishing your business with a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is more than a strategic advantage—it's a necessity. A well-defined USP articulates why customers should choose you over the competition. It's not just about having a superior product or service; it's about clearly communicating the unique value you provide to your more

Where Should I Advertise My Business Online?

October 18th, 2023

3 Practical Channels to Build Leads For many entrepreneurs, especially newcomers, there's a tendency to become engrossed in the daily grind rather than focusing on long-term growth. Being time-poor typically results in too much time working in the business, rather than on it. This can take its toll on generating new leads and bringing inread more

Starting a Business in Australia – A Quick Guide

October 13th, 2023

The allure of entrepreneurship is undeniable, and for many Australians, starting their own business is motivated by the pursuit of autonomy, escaping the 9-to-5 grind, and carving their own path. If you’re considering starting a business, you might be drawn in by the opportunity to purse a passion full-time. Even beyond these personal motivations, businessread more

Business Advertising – Taking a Considered Approach

August 16th, 2023

You want to generate leads and brand awareness for your business through advertising, but like so many other time-poor business owners, you just don’t know where to start. Like a lot of things in business, a considered and practical approach is the best way to push through the initial planning phase and develop a solidread more

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