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Posts Tagged ‘startups’

A Fine Line Between Pleasure and Pain – Addressing Small Business Challenges

February 8th, 2023

In the current economy, there are numerous challenges confronting Australian small businesses. We hear so often from our clients around the day-to-day challenges they face whilst trying to remain profitable and continue to enjoy what they do. Businesses in all manner of industries from medical to mining, hospitality to construction, and everything in between, areread more

Content Marketing Strategy Development for Your Business

January 20th, 2023

"Content is King" - and it has become a critical consideration for any business' marketing strategy. From blogs to videos, brand partnerships to influencer marketing, there is such a diverse range of content that businesses can leverage to promote their brand, products and services. The trick, however, is developing a thoughtful and effective strategy thatread more

Working with Millennials – Understanding, Motivating and Unlocking Performance

November 16th, 2022

When you hear “Millennial”, who or what do you picture? Like it or not, we all have pre-conceived notions of what interacting and working with millennials is like. Older generations might perceive them to be entitled, soft, unfocussed, or poorly equipped to deal with the challenges of a fast-paced professional environment. Millennials themselves would likelyread more

Customer Service – From Good to Great

September 1st, 2022

No matter what business you're in, what stage of business you're at, or what industry you compete in, great customer service is non-negotiable. When the market is ever-changing, and competition is only getting tougher, excellent customer service can be a critical source of sustainable competitive advantage. There are a number of factors which lead toread more

Why All Successful Businesses Have a Business Plan

August 19th, 2022

Ever wondered how the most successful, stable businesses get to where they are today? While there might be an element of luck or chance in how a business idea comes about, many can attribute part of their success to having a robust business plan in place. From long before “day one”, a business plan servesread more

Starting Your New Business – 10 Critical Steps

April 14th, 2022

So, you’ve decided that the 9 to 5 grind just isn’t for you, and being your own boss is a dream you want to achieve. You take something you love doing or are really good at, and decide that your business will revolve around that. That’s all you need to start, right? Unfortunately, things areread more

6 Key Metrics to Understand Your Business’ Financial Position

January 28th, 2021

As is the case in every aspect of business, the financial side of any enterprise contains a lot of moving parts and requires not only a great deal of understanding, but a significant portion of your attention as well. While the day-to-day workload can get in the way of analysing your business’ financial position, thereread more

Amazon Australia’s Pioneer Sellers

April 18th, 2019

Ever thought about selling on Amazon? While it may seem a daunting prospect, MP+ is starting to see success stories come through from clients who have made the leap. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with these clients in setting up their business structures, and planning their tax strategies to make the most of their new venturesread more

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