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Posts Tagged ‘superannuation’

Using a Self-Managed Super Fund to Buy Property

February 5th, 2024

You may be aware of Australians using their Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) to purchase property - something that has gained popularity over the years. When structured correctly, and undertaken in the right circumstances, it can be tax-effective, allow you to invest in both residential and commercial properties, and utilise your superannuation before you retire. However,read more

Aged Care Financial Advice (Part Two – Entering Residential Aged Care)

December 4th, 2023

Whether for yourself or a loved one, making the decision to enter residential aged care is a significant step in life. The residential aged care system can be complex to navigate, and doing so without proper advice and planning makes it all the more difficult. In part one of this Aged Care Financial Advice series,read more

New Div 296 Tax Legislation for Super Balances over $3m

November 27th, 2023

Is your super balance over, or approaching, $3 million? In October 2023, the Australian Government introduced draft Div 296 legislation aimed at reducing tax concessions for individuals whose total superannuation balance (TSB) exceeds $3 million. The policy consideration of this measure is to achieve a more equitable Australian Superannuation System, and this new measure isread more

Financial Advisers: Your Partners in Wealth (Part Three – Optimising Tax, Super, and Beyond)

November 1st, 2023

In the first two parts of this series, we touched on the fact that the scope of a financial adviser's role has evolved beyond simply managing investments, now taking on a more holistic, comprehensive approach to serve the complex needs of clients. This evolution includes offering guidance on emotional financial decisions, like planning for Agedread more

Financial Advisers: Your Partners in Wealth (Part One – The Foundation of Smart Investing)

October 4th, 2023

In a world filled with financial challenges and uncertainties, having a trusted financial adviser makes a significant difference in achieving your long-term financial goals. As we navigate through the spectre of a global recession and rising inflation in 2023 and beyond, the importance of financial advice has never been more evident. Just three years followingread more

How Much Income do I Need to Retire?

July 5th, 2023

Many Australians have a clear picture of the lifestyle they want to enjoy when they retire, but perhaps less is understood about the level of income required to achieve it. Whether you envision buying a brand-new caravan to set off around the country, construct a workshop out the back of your home to focus onread more

McKinley Plowman Federal Budget Update 2023-24

May 10th, 2023

The 2023-24 Federal Budget was handed down on Tuesday 9 May 2023 by Treasurer Jim Chalmers of the Albanese government. The budget will return to a $4 billion surplus this financial year, followed by a $13.9 billion deficit the following year. Treasury forecasts under this budget inflation will fall from 6% this year to 3.25%read more

Securing the Next Generation’s Financial Future

April 21st, 2023

You’ve worked hard, made smart financial decisions, and are living comfortably on the wealth you’ve accumulated – but what about the next generation? For many of us, a primary motivator behind growing and securing wealth is looking after our family, so that even after we’re gone, they have a secure financial future to look forwardread more

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