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Posts Tagged ‘tax deductions’

Gearing an Investment Property in 2024

January 10th, 2024

The virtues of ‘Positive Gearing’ versus ‘Negative Gearing’ regarding property investment can spark debate and confusion, often without those involved in the conversation having much concrete knowledge about the topic. What’s more, property investors can have unique circumstances and goals. What is important to know, though, is how to make the most of gearing –read more

Tax Debt Firmly in the ATO’s Sights

September 19th, 2023

If you have operated a business for the past few years, you are probably aware that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) were a little more willing than normal to extend payment deadlines and work with businesses to ensure the prevailing economic conditions didn’t put them in dire financial straits. More recently, however, the ATO hasread more

Tax Lessons Learned from the 2023 Women’s World Cup

August 22nd, 2023

Just like that, the Women’s World Cup is finished! Over the past month, we’ve seen an impressive run to the semifinals from the Aussies, a few favourites knocked out early, and some intense competition on the pitch. And wouldn’t you just know it, we’ve learned a few tax-related lessons along the way! If you’re readyread more

McKinley Plowman Federal Budget Update 2023-24

May 10th, 2023

The 2023-24 Federal Budget was handed down on Tuesday 9 May 2023 by Treasurer Jim Chalmers of the Albanese government. The budget will return to a $4 billion surplus this financial year, followed by a $13.9 billion deficit the following year. Treasury forecasts under this budget inflation will fall from 6% this year to 3.25%read more

Securing the Next Generation’s Financial Future

April 21st, 2023

You’ve worked hard, made smart financial decisions, and are living comfortably on the wealth you’ve accumulated – but what about the next generation? For many of us, a primary motivator behind growing and securing wealth is looking after our family, so that even after we’re gone, they have a secure financial future to look forwardread more

Electric Vehicles – Efficient for the Environment… and Your Tax Bill?

November 11th, 2022

As the world begins to embrace electric vehicles as a suitable alternative to fossil fuel-powered transport, the Australian Government has planned to reach “net zero emissions” following the passing of Climate Change Bills. The Government’s objective in providing the FBT exemption for electric cars is to encourage increased use of electric cars on the roadread more

Corporate Sponsorship – Understanding the Tax Implications

September 30th, 2022

As accountants and business advisers, we help clients make the most of their business expenditure from a tax point of view, and a number of clients ask us how corporate sponsorship affects their tax position, both when they’re considering sponsorship for a sporting club (or similar), and when they’re offering sponsorship opportunities for other more

Action Items to Navigate a Tough Economy

September 9th, 2022

There is a lot going on at the moment that is contributing to increased pressure and stress on household budgets and businesses alike. With rising inflation prompting several interest rate rises and increased cost of living pressures, many Australians are looking for practical, actionable ways to improve their situation. Here we have some action itemsread more

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