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Posts Tagged ‘tax deductions’

Differentiating Between Repairs & Maintenance and Capital Improvements

July 18th, 2022

With tax time upon us, many individuals, business owners and their accountants are looking at which expenses can be deducted from last financial year’s tax return. An important part of this endeavour is to ensure that you can accurately determine whether work done on an investment property, business premises, plant, machinery or tools falls underread more

Getting Ahead of Your Next Tax Return

August 12th, 2021

The 2021-22 Financial Year is already several months old now (if you can believe that), and by now many taxpayers have their ducks in a row to lodge their tax return for 2020-21. But while that’s happening, clever business owners and salary earners are putting down the groundwork to make next years’ an absolute more

Cryptocurrency – Thinking Outside the Blockchain

June 18th, 2021

Blockchain technology is by no means a new concept, but its recent explosion in the mainstream consciousness (particularly around DeFi, NFTs and the price of Bitcoin) makes it worthy of further consideration – especially from a cryptocurrency tax and compliance point of view. The scope of blockchain-based activity is incredibly complex – it’s not asread more

Working from Home Deductions at Tax Time – The ATO’s Crackdown Hotspot

May 27th, 2021

The new financial year is here, and the more organised among us are already planning the deductions we’re looking to claim for our 2020-21 tax return. Given that global circumstances changed the way many people worked throughout this financial year, there will be a noticeable shift in the types of deductions people claim – especiallyread more

Working from Home – What can you Deduct?

October 19th, 2018

As the workforce increasingly favours flexibility and good work-life balance, companies throughout Australia (and indeed the world) offer their employees the chance to work from home; while others set up their own business to take greater control over their working lives. With this flexibility in working from home, there are certain things that you canread more

Tax Deductions for Investment Properties

June 15th, 2017

Several deductions are available to property investors to minimise the tax being paid. Unfortunately, there are areas relating to tax deductions that are unclear to some individuals, resulting in opportunities being missed to get the most out of their investments. To help identify what you can legitimately claim, below is a list of common taxread more

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