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Posts Tagged ‘tax return’

Working from Home Deductions at Tax Time – The ATO’s Crackdown Hotspot

May 27th, 2021

The new financial year is here, and the more organised among us are already planning the deductions we’re looking to claim for our 2020-21 tax return. Given that global circumstances changed the way many people worked throughout this financial year, there will be a noticeable shift in the types of deductions people claim – especiallyread more

Claiming Car-Related Expenses this Tax Season

June 14th, 2019

With tax time coming up very soon, many of us will be looking towards our tax returns and working out what we can claim for this financial year. A very common area people claim deductions in is car travel and other vehicle-related expenses. While there are many options available for things to claim, the Australianread more

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