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Debtor Finance

How would you like to turn what is owed to you into cash?

Debtor Finance is an alternative to the traditional Bank Overdraft that does not require real estate security. A debtor finance provider will pay up to 80% the value of your approved invoices, less fees, and usually within 24 hours!

Is your Cashflow limiting your Growth?

Periods of fast growth in business is perhaps one of the most exciting parts of owning and operating a business, however is something that can be stifled with a lack of immediate cash or equity. This is where debtor finance can be the solution as unlike an overdraft this product will grow in line with your business revenue.

Is your business overdraft restricting your home loan equity?

Debtor Finance does not require real estate as security, therefore this facility could free up your equity in your home for other purchases, investment or wealth creation.

Is there an unequal share of security allocated to your home in your business partnership?

With the ability to utilise debtors as security this facility may enable you to re-arrange your existing structure and therefore “even out” the security offered by your partnership.

What is debtor finance?

Debtor finance is a simple, standalone facility that requires no real estate security, but rather is a lending process that enables borrowing money against your accounts receivable (debtors).

No longer would you need to wait for your debtors to pay their invoices, this facility will enable you to take control of your cashflow and give yourself the power to make the buying and hiring decisions you want to make today, not tomorrow.

(Subject to Terms and Conditions)

Please contact Paul Moran, Director of Finance, for any further queries or further information regarding these facilities.

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